The National Centres for Advanced Training in Dance (CATs) Network is seeking to engage in Anti-Racism work as a collective to support changes across the national CAT programmes.
To take this forward we are seeking external specialist support to plan and deliver a programme of Anti-Racism training and curriculum work for the national network.
We are interested in a programme that brings in perspectives from a range of Dance forms/ styles and experiences.
We are inviting expressions of interest from individuals/ organisations to plan and lead this Anti-racism work, or to plan, curate and facilitate a programme of Anti-racism work featuring other contributors to feed into the longer-term strategy for the network.
Expressions of Interest
To express interest in:
– planning and leading a programme of Anti-racism work, or
– planning, curating and facilitating a programme of Anti-racism work featuring other contributors, or
– contributing to an aspect of a programme of Anti-racism work
Contact: Laura Aldridge, Head of Children and Young People’s Dance Programmes, Trinity Laban
DEADLINE: Tuesday 22 March 2022
Expressions of Interest will then be considered by the National Dance Network Curriculum Development Group