Swindon Dance Centre for Advanced Training is offering a free online taster day to young dancers aged 11 – 17 years.
The CAT taster day will include two contemporary dance workshops, with live accompaniment. You will be given a virtual tour of Swindon Dance and get the chance to talk to the team about the audition process and the programme itself.
We highly recommend that you attend this taster day if you are thinking of auditioning for the Centre for Advanced Training scheme. If you have not previously heard of the Centre for Advanced Training then attending this day is the perfect way to find out more. Register your interest by clicking here.
Please note that the taster day is free to attend and that there are fully funded places available at the Centre for Advanced Training.
Saturday 17th April – Times TBC – Online
Once you have registered further details and a zoom invitation will be sent to you via email. If you have any questions about the CAT please do not hesitate to contact us cat@swindondance.org.uk