Saturday 15 February, 12.30 – 4.00pm
FREE – Places must be booked in advance
Suitable for aged 10 – 16 years

DanceEast Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) is excited to host our Boys Taster Day, for male-identifying young people.

This will be a day filled with fun, excitement, and practical workshops for young dancers to come together and share their creativity and get a taste of the DanceEast CAT training. This free taster day is aimed at male-identifying participants aged 10-16. You will take part in contemporary, creative, and hip hop workshops led by the fantastic DanceEast CAT tutors. You will also be accompanied by live music from our CAT musicians. Whatever your previous dance experience, come and take part in an afternoon of inspiring workshops!

All workshops will give young people a chance to develop their confidence, be creative, get moving and to try something new (or hone an existing skill). You will also get the opportunity to talk with the CAT team and find out more about the DanceEast CAT.

We also ask that parents/carers also attend the Taster Day to listen to a presentation about the programme, speak with the CAT team, and find out more about the DanceEast CAT.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to unleash your inner dancer!

If you are not male-identifying and are interested in finding out more, there are also CAT Taster Days in Ipswich, Norwich, and Cambridge, which you can book here.

Find out more about the CAT –


Start Date: 15 February 2025 12:30 PM

End Date: 15 February 2025 04:00 PM