Monday 15 February, 10am–1pm
This free Taster Day, hosted live via Zoom, is aimed at male-identifying participants who live in the East of England (Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk).
Hosted live via Zoom, the Taster Day is for participants aged 9–16 years interested in finding out more about dance and the DanceEast Centre for Advanced Training (CAT).
You will have the opportunity to take part in contemporary and creative dance workshops led by DanceEast CAT tutors and CAT Musicians. Whatever your previous experience of dance, come and take part in an afternoon of inspiring workshops!
We do ask that parents/carers attend the Taster Day. There will also be the opportunity for parents/carers to speak with the CAT Team and find out more about the programme in a separate Parent/Carer Information Talk held on Thursday 18 February, 7pm – 8pm via Zoom, which we advise you to also attend. This talk can be booked when you book your place to the Taster Day.
There are also additional Taster Days during the February half term. Find out more about the DanceEast CAT Taster Days on Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 February here.