The Place CAT applications for the Admission Workshops are NOW OPEN and we invite anyone aged between 11-16yrs old to apply, regardless of background or experience. We are actively seeking young people who don’t have any other access to dance, as CAT can provide a pathway into not only a career in dance but can give you life changing skills and life-long friends. CAT is funded by the Department for Education Music and Dance Scheme, (MDS) which means that your CAT training could be fully or partially paid for by an MDS grant, depending on personal circumstance and means testing.
The Place CAT Admission Workshops are on:
Saturday 25 June & Saturday 2 July 2022
Deadline to apply is Monday 20 June 2022
Each day we will have 2 groups 10-13yrs (approx. 10.00am-1.00pm) & 14-16yrs (approx. 2.00pm-5.00pm) there is nothing to prepare, however, be prepared to have lots and lots fun!
Following the Admission Workshops you may be invited to have an interview with the CAT team so we can get to know you a little better and for you to get to us.
Download The Place CAT prospectus here The Place CAT Prospectus
For more information please email