Trinity Laban CAT’s Digital Open Days are a chance to find out more about the CAT programme and include a practical dance class for the applicant, with an opportunity for the parent/carer to find out more information about the scheme. These sessions are free and dates are as follows:
Sunday 7 March 2021: 10.30-12.00 & 13.00-14.30
Tuesday 23 March 2021: 18.00-19.30
The Trinity Laban CAT programme provides intensive and rigorous dance training for young people aged 13-18yrs, taught by a highly experienced team of professional dance teachers and artists. CAT students attend a full day of classes at the Laban Building every Saturday during term time as well the opportunity to attend weekday classes and holiday projects.
Fully funded places are available.
For more information on the CAT programme and how to apply, please visit our webpage here.
For all enquiries contact the Trinity Laban CAT team who will be happy to help